Fonction : Professeur des universités
Organisme(s) de rattachement : Sorbonne Université
UFR d’Etudes italiennes
Centres d’intérêt : littérature du Moyen Age, Dante, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Elsa Morante, queer, langage, désir
Principales publications récentes liées au genre :
- Amor che move. Linguaggio del corpo e forma del desiderio in Dante, Pasolini e Morante. Milano : il Saggiatore, 2013.
- The Scandal of Self-Contradiction: Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Multistable Subjectivities, Traditions, Geographies, ed. by Luca Di Blasi, Manuele Gragnolati, and Christoph Holzhey. Berlin and Vienna : Turia + Kant, 2012.
- « L’estetica queer di Petrolio, il gioco e il paradosso dell’impegno », in « Petrolio » 25 anni dopo, a cura di Carla Benedetti, Manuele Gragnolati e Davide Luglio. Macerata : Quodlibet, 2020, p. 63-77,
- « Diffracting Dante’s Paradiso : Transformation, Identity, and the Form of Desire», in Reception, Translation, and Transformation of Italian Literature, ed. by Brian Richardson, Guido Bonsaver, and Giuseppe Stellardi. Oxford : Legenda, 2017, p. 352-66
- « Differently Queer: Sexuality and Aesthetics in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Petrolio and Elsa Morante’s Aracoeli », in Elsa Morante’s Politics of Writing : Rethinking Subjectivity, History and the Power of Art, ed. by Stefania Lucamante. Madison, NJ : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2014, p. 205-18